
Adelaide Greater Capital City

Defines the area that is part of the State’s capital.  These areas are included in the Department of Home Affairs regional definition.  

Areas within this definition are not able to access state nomination regional/ country SA requirement concessions.  This includes the towns of Mount Barker, Stirling, Gawler, Virginia and McLaren Vale.

Adverse information

The employer or any associated (including previous) entities are expected to be compliant with the following provisions: workplace relations, and work health and safety and with migration provisions.


See Migration Agent

Annual Market Salary Rate (AMSR)

Is determined in accordance with the instrument which specifies the method for determining the Annual Market Salary Rate for an occupation nominated under section 140GB of the Migration Act or an occupation in relation to which a position is nominated under regulation 5.19 of the Migration Regulations.


Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) is a classification system for identifying and grouping all occupations in Australia and New Zealand on the basis of the tasks, duties and responsibilities associated with the occupation. The ANZSCO dictionary is available from the Australian Bureau of Statistics website.


Applicants for skilled migration to Australia, will be asked to quote the ANZSCO code for their nominated occupation as part of the application process.

ANZSCO Skill level 1-3

Each occupation listed in the ANZSCO at the four digit level has a skill level.  The skill levels in ANZSCO are defined in terms of formal education and training, previous experience and on-the-job training.

Skill level 1-3 are:

Occupations at Skill Level 1 have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. At least five years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job-training may be required in addition to the formal qualification.

Occupations at Skill Level 2 have a level of skill commensurate with one of the following:

  • NZ Register Diploma or
  • AQF Associate Degree, Advanced Diploma or Diploma.

At least three years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualifications listed above. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job-training may be required in addition to the formal qualification.

Occupations at Skill Level 3 have a level of skill commensurate with one of the following:

  • NZ Register Level 4 qualification
  • AQF Certificate IV or
  • AQF Certificate III including at least two years of on-the job training.

At least three years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualifications listed above. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job-training may be required in addition to the formal qualification.


A person who is in the process of or has submitted an Application.


A formal request to Skilled & Business Migration to assess an application for state nomination (this term is also used for employers submitting an application for advice under the RSMS program).

Application Service Fee

The amount in Australian dollars that is charged by Skilled & Business Migration to accept nomination applications.

Application Service Fee Surcharge

The additional amount applied to the application service fee to cover the cost of accepting the fee.

Application Status

The status of an application in the Skilled & Business Migration system.  The status of an application will be one of the following:

  • Open – client is currently completing the application but has not yet submitted it.
  • Submitted – a valid application has been formally submitted by the client.
  • Nominated – an application has been assessed and Skilled & Business Migration has decided to nominate the applicant for the requested visa.
  • Refused - an application has been assessed as not meeting the requirements or state nomination.
  • Saved – an application that may or may not be complete that has not yet been submitted.  Your application can be saved for up to 30 days.  Once your unsubmitted application has expired it will be deleted.

Application type

There are 10 types of applications that Skilled & Business Migration processes: 

  • Two skilled applications (visa subclass 190 and 491)
  • Six business applications (visa subclasses 188 – 3 streams, 888 – 3 streams, 892, 893, 132 – 2 streams, 405 – new and renewal) and
  • Two employer nominated applications (visa subclass 482 and 494).

Appropriate Regional Authority

Delegated authority provided by the Minister for Home Affairs which enables State and Territory Governments to provide state nomination under the Business Skills Migration program.

Approved Sponsor

A person who is party to a DAMA Labour Agreement to sponsor overseas workers. 


Australian Qualifications Framework

Arm's Length

An arm’s length transaction is a transaction in which buyers and sellers of products act independently and have no relationship to each other. In general, family members and companies with related shareholders are said not to be acting at arm’s length. 

Arrival Services

The services provided by Skilled & Business Migration include monthly information seminars for new arrivals and meetings for migrants on Business visas. These services are only available to people possessing eligible visa subclasses.


Means the information provided has been confirmed.


Where the context so admits, means an Australian citizen (whether born in Australia or elsewhere) or a non-citizen who, being usually resident in Australia is the holder of a permanent visa granted under the Migration Act. 

Authorised Recipient

The person associated with an application that is authorised to be the primary contact.  Migration Agents are often an authorised recipient for an applicant.


Business Migrant

A migrant seeking a visa under the business migration program.



Also referred to as an applicant.


  • A person who has interacted with Skilled & Business Migration regarding migrating to South Australia, from making an enquiry through to arriving as a migrant; or
  • A South Australian employer who has interacted with Skilled & Business Migration regarding the Regional Certifying Body advice role.

Client Tracking System

A system on the website that allows applicants and authorised recipients to check the status of an application.

Commitment to South Australia

Having a genuine commitment to living and either working, investing or doing business in South Australia. State Nomination is provided to meet skills and business needs of this state and is provided on the basis of successful applicants’ commitment to South Australia.


Any variations to the requirements prescribed in the Migration Legislation in relation to the approval of a Nomination and the grant of a TSS or ENS visa. 

Country SA

Refers to the country areas of South Australia.  They are outside of the State’s capital city.  These areas are included in the regional definition and may have concessions available for State nomination requirements.  View the full list of eligible postcodes.

Criteria (Federal Visa)

Department of Home Affairs requirements to be eligible for a visa.  Criteria are the minimum thresholds that a migrant must meet to be granted a visa.


Consolidated Skilled Occupation List - Department of Home Affairs, has changed to Short Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) as of 19.04.17, details below.

Current Average Processing Time

The time taken to process an application based on the average time over the preceding two weeks.  Processing times are dependent on the number and quality of the applications being received.



Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) is a legal agreement between the Commonwealth and a Designated Area Representative (DAR). A DAMA outlines the occupations and concessions applicable for the nomination of overseas workers under associated Labour Agreements.

DAMA Labour Agreement

An agreement entered into by the Minister and an employer under the Migration Legislation in relation to one or more occupations and relevant concessions. It allows employers to sponsor overseas workers under the terms and conditions specified in the overarching DAMA. 


Designated Area Representative (DAR) is the representative of employers and stakeholders in a Designated Area. The DAR is the South Australia Department of State Development, Skilled & Business Migration.

Designated Area is a geographically defined area within Australia which is the subject of a DAMA or proposed DAMA. It may be a state, territory or regional area. For the South Australian DAMA the geographical defined area is South Australia as a region and the Greater Adelaide Planning Area.

Department of Home Affairs

Department of Home Affairs (Commonwealth Government) is responsible for migration visas for skilled migrants to settle in Australia and all visa processing.


The Department of State Development. DSD is a South Australian Government department that supports South Australia’s future economy, creating prosperity and opportunity for the people that choose to live and work in the state.  Skilled & Business Migration is a business unit within DSD.



A client who is a South Australian employer.

ENS visa

Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS)(Subclass 186) visa. 

EOI Reference Number

The 9 digit number an applicant will receive as part of submitting an EOI.  Applicants need this number to make a state nomination application.


See Waivers and Exemptions below

Expression of Interest (EOI)

A method of showing interest in applying for a skilled visa to migrate to Australia.  It is an online form in the Department of Home Affairs SkillSelect system which asks a series of questions about the applicant’s skills depending on the visa type they select.  Applicants need to submit an EOI before applying for state nomination.


Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Employee

A full time equivalent employee refers to a person who works for a minimum on average of 30 hours per week. For State nomination in the business migration program, the benefit to state requirement includes the employment of full time employees. Employees must be Australian citizens, New Zealand passport holders, or Australian permanent residents for the full 12-month period to be included in this definition. The FTE Employee cannot be the applicant or a member of the family unit of the applicant to be included in the benefit to state definition requirement.


General Skilled

The visa program covering the two State Nominated visa subclasses in the skilled program. These are the Skilled Nominated visa (subclass190) and the Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489).


Higher Education Advanced Diploma

This is an advanced diploma registered as a Higher Education course in Australia. Advanced Diplomas are offered by universities and private Higher Education providers. Applicants can check https://cricos.education.gov.au/ to see if their qualification is a VET or Higher Education qualification. For more information about Australian qualification levels, please view https://www.aqf.edu.au/.

Higher Education Qualification

This is a post secondary school qualification completed at a university or recognised private Higher Education college in Australia. For more information about Australian qualification levels, please view https://www.aqf.edu.au/.



International English Language Test System is one of the English language testing systems accepted by Department of Home Affairs under the GSM program.


Lists of State Nominated Occupations

There are two lists of state nominated occupations of  South Australia: the State Nominated Occupation list and the Supplementary Skilled List.

Local Organisation

A Local Organisation is a member based organisation with business facilitation objectives to assist Significant Investor Visa (“SIV”) holders to make South Australian based business connections. Read more.



Migration Agents Registration Authority


A client who has been granted a visa and has or intends to migrate to Australia.

Migration Act

Refers to the Migration Act 1958, an act of the Federal Parliament of Australia outlining the current legislation governing immigration to Australia.

Migration Agent

A person or company acting on behalf of an applicant.  Skilled & Business Migration prefers the Migration Agent is registered with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA).

Migration Legislation

Migration Legislation refers to the Migration Act and/or the Migration Regulations and/or any instruments made under the Migration Act or the Migration Regulations.


Nominated Occupation

The occupation for which an applicant sought state nomination for under the General Skilled Migration program.

Nominated Occupation or closely related

An occupation for which an applicant has sought state nomination for under the General Skilled Migration program. Closely related is an occupation in the same field as the applicant’s nominated occupation and at a commensurate skill level.

Nomination (State)

Applicants seek State nomination for their application under the Skilled and Business Innovation and Investment Programs.


The employer who has lodged a request for advice from the RCB (Skilled & Business Migration) under the RSMS program.


The foreign skilled worker who the nominator plans to employ in the nominated position.  The nominee is not always known by the employer when they seek advice from an RCB.  The RCB (Immigration SA) does not have any direct role in engaging with a nominee.


A written record produced and forwarded to a designated recipient in a predefined format.



Occupation Planning Level

The number of nominations per occupation that Skilled & Business Migration will provide each program year. Once a planning level has been met, additional criteria are added to the occupation.


The Occupational English Test is an English language test for Health Professionals is one of the English language testing systems accepted by Department of Home Affairs under the GSM program.

Open Market

An open market means a real estate market in which prices are determined by supply and demand, there are no barriers to entry, and trading is not restricted to a specific area.

Oversees Worker

The holder of, or an applicant or proposed applicant for, a TSS or ENS visa. 


PTE Academic

The Pearson Test of English Academic is one of the English language testing systems accepted by Department of Home Affairs under the GSM program.



Regional Certifying Body

Regional Certifying Body

A Regional Certifying Body (RCB) provides advice on employer nominations under the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme visa- Direct Entry stream before they can be approved by the Federal Department of Home Affairs.

A certifying body is an organisation which has been approved by the Minister for Home Affairs for the purpose of providing RCB advice by the Minister for Home Affairs.

Skilled & Business Migration acts as the RCB for South Australia. South Australian employers who wish to nominate applicants under the Direct Entry Stream must seek RCB advice from Skilled & Business Migration about the position they wish to fill. View more information about the application process here.

Regional Definition (also called Country SA)

For the purposes of state nomination, ‘benefit to state regional concessions’ are locations whose postcodes are not included in the greater Adelaide definition. Postcodes partly out of the greater Adelaide definition are eligible to access the concessions.

Regional postcodes include: 5157, 5172, 5202, 5235, 5236, 5253, 5254, 5350, 5351. View the full list of eligible postcodes.


Refers to where the applicant is currently ‘residing’ i.e where they live. Residing in South Australia means to be living and spending the majority of their time in South Australia.


Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme - an employer nominated migration program.


Skilled & Business Migration

Skilled & Business Migration is a business unit part of the Department of State Development, responsible for skilled and business migration to South Australia.

Skills Assessment

Refers to an assessment of your skills and qualifications in regards to Australian standards for the applicant’s nominated occupation.  The applicant’s skills assessment is the first piece of evidence they need in order to progress with your General Skilled Migration application.  It must be a full General Skilled Migration skills assessment, provisional skills assessments (for example, 485) are not accepted. Skills assessments must have been issued within the last three years or if the skills assessing authority has specified a shorter validity period, the skills assessment is only be valid until that specified date. The skills assessment must be valid at time of nomination decision.  Links to relevant Skills Assessing Authorities can also be found on the State Nominated Occupation Lists. Copies of qualifications or certificates in lieu of a positive Skills assessment will not be accepted.

Special conditions

Criteria under the skilled program that applies to occupations that have met their planning level (quota).

State and Territory Agreement Plan

An agreement between the Minister for Home Affairs and the South Australian Minister for Investment and Trade which identifies the annual quota for nominations and occupations in a program year.

State Nomination

Provided by Skilled & Business Migration under the General Skilled and the Business Innovation and Investment Migration Programs. 

State Sponsorship

Business migration visa 163, 164, 165, 892 and 893 require State Sponsorship before a visa grant can be lodged with the Department of Home Affairs. These visas are legacy visa subclasses which require ‘sponsorship’.


Short Term Skilled Occupation List on the Department of Home Affairs website. The occupation list from which the states and territories can select occupations from for nomination.

Supplementary Skilled List nomination

The criteria an applicant must meet for an occupation which is listed on the Supplementary Skilled List.



The Test of English as a Foreign Language, internet Based Test is one of the English language testing systems accepted by Department of Home Affairs under the GSM program.


The Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold specified in an instrument made under the Migration Regulations. 

TSS visa

Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS)(Subclass 482) visa.


VET qualification

This is a Vocational, Education and Training qualification. VET qualifications are post-secondary school qualifications at certificate or diploma level. For more information about Australian qualification levels, please view. https://www.aqf.edu.au


Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) is an online facility managed by the Department of Home Affairs to check your current visa details and conditions. The system allows you to send an email generated by VEVO to any email address you choose. This is a simple and easy way to prove your residency status. For more information and to access VEVO visit Department of Home Affairs. You will be required to provide evidence of your visa status as part of your application. If you do not have a visa letter you can use a VEVO printout as evidence.

Visa Subclass

A specific Australian visa that has criteria and conditions for migrating to and residing in Australia.


Waivers and exemptions (to state nomination requirements)

International graduates of South Australia can access some waivers and exemptions to state nomination requirements. It means the applicant doesn’t need to meet every state nomination requirement to be approved. For example, there are waivers and exemptions in some circumstances for the work experience, English and financial requirements.


Work refers to any activity for which an individual receives renumeration.

Work Experience (Skilled)

Skilled work experience is defined as at least 20 hours per week of paid employment in a skilled occupation. The skilled occupation must be ANZSCO skill level 1 to 3. Paid skilled work experience is assessed as being after successful completion of the applicant’s qualification(s). Work experience gained during the applicant’s studies is not counted towards their skilled work experience, it must be work experience after graduation.

Work Health and Safety Legislation

The Work Health and Safety Legislation refers to:
(a) Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Cth); and  
(b) Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 (Cth); and 
any “corresponding WHS law” within the meaning of section 4 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Cth) and Regulation 6A of the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 (Cth).

Workplace Law

Workplace Law refers to the Fair Work Act 2009, and relevant laws of the Commonwealth and of the relevant State or Territory relating to equal employment opportunity, unlawful discrimination and the Work Health and Safety Legislation.